What's Spam180?
It’s spam, but like good spam. A mailing list that spices up your inbox and pokes fun at regular spam covering topics like romance, highly personal “enhancement” remedies and gigantic unexpected inheritances from uncles in Africa you never knew you had. In an inbox full of weeds, Spam180 is the weed you stop and look at and think, that weed’s a little prettier.

Can I see some examples?
Fineeeeeee. You can see an example here & here.

How often will I receive Spam180 e-mails?
Once you sign up and confirm your address, you'll receive our e-mails once every Wednesday.

I signed up but nothing happened?
Shortly after you subscribe, you should receive a welcome e-mail and confirmation link. It may have ended up in your Spam folder (which makes sense). To ensure our e-mails arrive in your inbox, trick your computer by marking us as “Not Spam".

By signing up for our newsletter you agree to the terms in our Privacy Policy. We're also using Invisible reCAPTCHA on our site and by using it you are subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Can I submit funny ideas for future e-mails?
Yeah but your ideas probably aren't that funny.

How do I contact you?

Who made this?
Dorota Pankowska & Kohl Forsberg.
< SPAM180
What's Spam180?
It’s spam, but like good spam. A mailing list that spices up your inbox and pokes fun at regular spam covering topics like romance, highly personal “enhancement” remedies and gigantic unexpected inheritances from uncles in Africa you never knew you had. In an inbox full of weeds, Spam180 is the weed you stop and look at and think, that weed’s a little prettier.

Can I see some examples?
Fineeeeeee. You can see an example here & here.

How often will I receive Spam180 e-mails?
Once you sign up and confirm your address, you'll receive our e-mails once every Wednesday.

I signed up but nothing happened?
Shortly after you subscribe, you should receive a welcome e-mail and confirmation link. It may have ended up in your Spam folder (which makes sense). To ensure our e-mails arrive in your inbox, trick your computer by marking us as “Not Spam".

By signing up for our newsletter you agree to the terms in our Privacy Policy. We're also using Invisible reCAPTCHA on our site and by using it you are subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Can I submit funny ideas for future e-mails?
Yeah but your ideas probably aren't that funny.

How do I contact you?

Who made this?
Dorota Pankowska & Kohl Forsberg.